In order to be more interesting and to make a good contribution, I've joined J2TEAM. (You can also contribute to idm-trial-reset development directly on GitHub.) And since all repositories are public, I've uploaded the source code of IDM trial. After extracting the folder "", you can freely download it, modify the files and make new trial version.
1. C++ Application
2. C++ Library
3. C Library
If you want to run it on Windows, you need to make some preparation.
1. Install Visual Studio
2. Copy files from "welcome" folder to a directory on your PC
2. Select "Local Computer" under "File"->"My Computer", and a prompt "Select location to install" will pop up. Choose your "welcome" folder.
If you want to run it on Mac, you need to make some preparation.
1. Install Xcode
Since IDM trial uses a lot of COM objects, and Microsoft doesn't provide the latest version of COM component for Linux and Mac, you should install the latest version of Windows SDK instead.
2. Download the latest Windows SDK from "", and extract it to a directory.
3. Configure the installation path. Open a command prompt and set the environment path.
4. Now, we can start idm_trial.exe as below:
java -Djava.library.path=C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_31/jre/lib/amd64/win_x86_64;/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/amd64/win_x86_64;%J2TEAM%/idm-trial-reset/welcome/bin;C:/
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